About Plein Air
A celebration of extraordinary architecture and local artists.
Learn the tricks to Plein Air Art straight from the artists as Grand Center, Inc. hosts Grand Center Arts Districts’ inaugural Plein Air Art Demonstration in Strauss Park! This community event celebrates extraordinary architecture, and local artists, from 12 pm – 3 pm, Saturday, October 15th. Visitors are encouraged to interact with artists as they paint on location in St. Louis’ epicenter for the arts, the Grand Center Arts District. 🖌️
This new event for our community is a weekend-long celebration of extraordinary architecture, local artists, unique workshops, and fantastic free events from October 13 through 16, 2022. During this time, visitors are invited to witness and interact with artists as they paint on location in St. Louis’ epicenter for the arts, the Grand Center Arts District! The festival will culminate with an award ceremony and outdoor sale of all pieces created throughout the festival.
What is Plein Air?
Plein air is a French expression meaning “in the open air” and refers to the act of painting outdoors with the artist’s subject in full view. Plein air artists capture the spirit and essence of a landscape or subject by incorporating natural light, color, and movement into their works.
St. Louis’ Epicenter for the Arts
Grand Center Arts District
Grand Center Arts District
Grand Center Arts District is the landmark destination for arts and culture organizations, creative entrepreneurs and businesses in St. Louis and the Midwest. Discover block after block of eclectic venues offering everything from Broadway to Black Box Theater, Bebop to Beethoven, and street art to galleries. Every visit is fresh and new in this ever-evolving cultural crossroads.
What is Plein Air?
Grand Center Arts District is the landmark destination for arts and culture organizations, creative entrepreneurs and businesses in St. Louis and the Midwest. Discover block after block of eclectic venues offering everything from Broadway to Black Box Theater, Bebop to Beethoven, and street art to galleries. Every visit is fresh and new in this ever-evolving cultural crossroads.
St. Louis’ Epicenter for the Arts
Grand Center Arts District
Grand Center Arts District
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